Professor Pollack on Water's Structure

To some people, 99.997% of pH Structured Silver is "just water." This couldn't be further from the truth! pH Structured Silver's water is far more active and unique than most people expect.

For an introduction to some of water's more surprising properties, see this University of Washington lecture. Prepare to be surprised!

Note: Dr. Pollack is not speaking about structured silver specifically nor is he involved with pH Structured Silver. This lecture is presented to showcase some of the surprising properties of water, showing that "just water" is an incomplete way to think about water.

The water in pH Structured Silver has been specifically structured for optimal performance in our setting. After seeing Dr. Pollack's presentation, it is easier for many people to see that structures matter and have unique properties.

Video Highlights and Entry Points:

  • 0:45 – Introduction of the lecture series and of Dr. Pollack.
  • 3:00 – Dr. Pollack takes the stage and introduces his topic: “I do want to talk about water, energy, and biology, and fresh views from the water’s edge.”
  • 4:10 – “Is it because we don’t really understand water?”
  • 6:08 – Puzzling observations from the lab.
  • 7:55 – Starting by looking at a simple water molecule, water should be “not very interesting” according to most textbooks. However, this turns out to be untrue. Rather, “ordered water” emerges as a contrast to “bulk water.”
  • 13:34 – Introduction of the lecture’s remaining major questions:
    1. Is the exclusion phenomenon general?
    2. Does it really arise from water ordering?
    3. Can water ordering explain anomalies?
    4. What energy creates the order?
    5. What critical issues might these findings resolve? Why should we care?
  • 30:00 – Summary of topics: “So far, where we are is that we have a region that excludes solutes, has negative charge, is liquid crystalline, and extends very, very far. You might think that this could be thought of as, maybe, as a fourth phase of water. We all learned in our chemistry books that water has three phases, right?”
  • 30:45-32:45 – Addressing the topic of water research through the last century and how it has been discouraged over the last 50 years, partly due to debacles such as “polywater” and “water memory.”
  • 44:15 – Dr. Pollack’s fifth topic: “Okay, so why is all of this stuff important? That’s the fifth and final question. I think that … these observations that I showed you are foundational for any and all science involving water and light. That goes from physics to chemistry and biology. But not only that … but also foundational for engineering of genuinely new and practical devices, because based on this new principle it ought to be possible to engineer some devices that people have never really thought about.”
  • 56:43 – Conclusion and sharing credit with the research team.